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WOCO/Sweetheart Dance Proposal Ideas

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It's the time of school year for Sweetheart/ Winter Homecoming dances. These used to be called Sadie Hawkins dances where the girls invite the boys to the dance. Now a days kids like to ask their dates with cute signs and or other ideas. In the past few years I have been able to help my daughter with a few and here are the ideas we came up with:

Stitch dance propsal, promposal

For the Stitch lovers:

This one really can be for a male or female. Along with this sign she gifted him a Stitch plushy that had a heart in it's hands. Here is how we made the sign:

Board: Begin with a large red poster board. I found this one at Dollar Tree. Walmart usually has a lot of colors to choose from as well.

Hearts: To download the hearts, just click the following photos. Print on white card stock and cut out.

Leaves: You can purchase this leaf template and print the leaves on white card stock, then cut out.

Words: Below is the link to download this file I made with the words. Or if you prefer to create your own here is the link to the font on DaFont which has a downloadable file. Print onto blue card stock and cut out.

Stitch Plushy: Here are a few similar ones to the Stitch my daughter gave to her date. Just click on the photo to get to the website to purchase.

Stitch Valentines Heart Stuffie
Stitch Valentine Day Stuffie

Heart in knots:

Sweetheart dance proposal idea

For this proposal I purchased a white heart shaped box . You really could do any color for this one. Target also has a nice red one for $5.

With a sharpie she wrote on the front of the box and the inside of the top.

Next I painted the inside of the bottom of the box red to give it some color. Once dry add a tie that matches the dress she plans on wearing. We tied the tie in a knot and placed the knot part at the bottom of the heart. Then added shredded white paper to fill the heart a little.

Hope your children have a blast at their dances!

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